Number of Crimes 2005–2007

Updated September 9, 2022 | Infoplease Staff

Number of crimes recorded by the police in 2005/06 and 2006/07

Crime Number of crimes (thousands) % change
2005/06 2006/07 2005/06 to 2006/07
Violence againt the person (VAP) 1,059.6 1,046.5 -1
Sexual offences 62.1 57.5 -7
Robbery 98.2 101.4 3
Domestic burglary 300.5 292.3 -3
Other burglary 344.6 329.8 -4
Offences againt vehicles 792.8 765.1 -4
Other theft offences 1,226.2 1,181.0 -4
Fraud and forgery 232.8 199.8 -14
Criminal damage 1,184.3 1,185.1 0
Total Property crime 4,081.2 3,953.0 -3
Drug offences 178.5 194.3 9
Other offences 75.6 75.6 0
Total recorded crime 5,555.2 5,428.3 -2
Source: UK Statistics Authority, Web:
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