GREEN, Robert Alexis (Lex), Congress, FL (1892-1973)

GREEN, Robert Alexis (Lex), a Representative from Florida; born near Lake Butler, Bradford County (now Union County), Fla., February 10, 1892; attended the rural schools; commenced teaching in Liberty Public School at the age of 16; was graduated from the high school at Lake Butler in 1913; messenger in the State house of representatives 1913-1915; assistant chief clerk of the State house of representatives 1915-1917 and chief clerk in 1917 and 1918; University of Florida at Gainesville, B.S., 1916; studied accounting and business administration at Howard University; principal of Suwannee High School in 1916 and 1917; vice president of the Florida Educational Association in 1918; member of the State house of representatives 1918-1920, serving as speaker pro tempore in 1918; studied law at Yale University; was admitted to the bar in 1921 and commenced practice in Starke, Fla; elected judge of Bradford County, Fla., in 1921 and served until 1924, when he resigned, having been elected to Congress; elected as a Democrat to the Sixty-ninth Congress; reelected to the nine succeeding Congresses and served from March 4, 1925, until his resignation on November 25, 1944, to enter the United States Navy; chairman, Committee on Territories (Seventy-third through Seventy-eighth Congresses); was not a candidate for renomination in 1944 to the Seventy-ninth Congress, but was an unsuccessful candidate for the Florida gubernatorial nomination; served as a lieutenant commander in the United States Navy from November 25, 1944, to November 2, 1945; resumed the practice of law at Starke, Fla., and served as county prosecuting attorney and as city attorney for the city of Starke; member, Democratic Executive committee, Bradford County, and State Democratic Executive committee; died February 9, 1973, in Gainesville, Fla.; interment in New River Cemetery in Bradford County near the community of New River.

Source: Biographical Directory of the United States Congress, 1771-Present

Birth Date