Biographies: Selected Jurists
Updated August 5, 2020 |
Infoplease Staff

Selected Jurists
- Ames, James Barr, American jurist
- Anson, Sir William Reynell, English jurist
- Austin, John, English jurist
- Barbosa, Ruy, Brazilian jurist
- Beaumanoir, Philippe de Remi, French poet and jurist, a writer of medieval law texts
- Berle, Adolf Augustus, Jr., American lawyer and public official
- Binney, Horace, American lawyer
- Blackstone, Sir William, English jurist
- Bluntschli, Johann Kaspar, Swiss jurist and political scientist
- Bouvier, John, American writer on law
- Bracton, Henry de, English writer on law
- Burlamaqui, Jean Jacques, Swiss jurist
- Bustamante, Antonio Sánchez de, Cuban authority on international law
- Bynkershoek, Cornelius van, Dutch writer on international law
- Choate, Joseph Hodges, American lawyer and diplomat
- Choate, Rufus, American lawyer and Congressman
- Clark, Walter, American jurist
- Cook, David J., American law enforcement officer
- Coudert, Frederic René, American lawyer and public official
- Cujas or Cujacius, Jacques, French jurist and scholar of Roman law
- Curtis, George Ticknor, American lawyer and writer
- Cushing, Luther Stearns, American lawyer
- Darrow, Clarence Seward, American lawyer
- Davis, George Breckenridge, American army officer and jurist
- Domat, Jean, French jurist
- Durandus, Gulielmus, French canon jurist and theologian
- Dwight, Theodore William, American lawyer
- Dworkin, Ronald, American legal philosopher
- Emmet, Thomas Addis, Irish-American lawyer
- Evarts, William Maxwell, American lawyer and statesman
- Feuerbach, Paul Johann Anselm von, German jurist
- Field, David Dudley, American lawyer and law reformer
- Field, Stephen Johnson, American jurist, Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court
- Fortescue, Sir John, English jurist
- Fuller, Melville Weston, American jurist
- Gaius, Roman jurist
- Garland, Merrick, Court of Appeals judge nominated to the U.S. Supreme Court
- Gentili, Alberico, Italian writer on international law
- Gibson, John Bannister, American jurist
- Glanvill, Ranulf de, English jurist
- Gray, Horace, American jurist, Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court
- Gray, John Chipman, American lawyer and teacher
- Greenleaf, Simon, American legal writer
- Grotius, Hugo, Dutch jurist and humanist
- Hale, Sir Matthew, English jurist
- Hand, Learned, American jurist
- Hart, Herbert Lionel Adolphus, British legal philosopher
- Hays, Arthur Garfield, American lawyer
- Higginbotham, Leon A., American judge, historian
- Hillquit, Morris, American lawyer and Socialist leader
- Holdsworth, Sir William Searle, British legal historian
- Ingersoll, Jared, American jurist
- Iredell, James, American jurist
- Irnerius, Italian jurist
- Jessup, Philip Caryl, American authority on international law
- Johnson, Reverdy, American lawyer and statesman
- Kellogg, Frank Billings, American lawyer, U.S. Senator
- Kent, James, American jurist
- La Fontaine, Henri, Belgian jurist and statesman
- Langdell, Christopher Columbus, American teacher of law
- Lawrence, William Beach, American political leader and jurist
- Littleton, Sir Thomas, English jurist
- Maitland, Frederic William, English legal historian
- Mansfield, William Murray, 1st earl of, English jurist
- Martens, Feodor, Russian diplomat and authority on international law
- Martens, Georg Friedrich von, German writer on international law
- Martin, Luther, American lawyer and political leader
- May, Thomas Erskine, English constitutional jurist and historian
- Modestinus, Herennius, Roman jurist
- Moore, John Bassett, American authority on international law
- Papinian, Roman jurist
- Parker, Alton Brooks, American jurist
- Paulus, Roman jurist
- Pendleton, Edmund, American jurist
- Phelps, Edward John, American lawyer and diplomat
- Pollock, Sir Frederick, English jurist
- Pound, Roscoe, American jurist
- Pufendorf, Samuel, Baron von, German jurist and historian
- Renault, Louis, French jurist
- Romilly, Sir Samuel, English law reformer
- Savigny, Friedrich Karl von, German jurist and legal historian
- Scott, James Brown, American lawyer and educator
- Seabury, Samuel, American jurist
- Selden, John, English jurist and scholar
- Shaw, Lemuel, American jurist
- Srinivasan, Sri, Indian-born U.S. Court of Appeals judge for the D.C. Circuit
- Stair, James Dalrymple, 1st Viscount, Scottish jurist
- Stephen, Sir James Fitzjames, English jurist and journalist
- Stewart, William Morris, American lawyer and political leader
- Stone, Harlan Fiske, American jurist
- Storey, Moorfield, American lawyer
- Story, Joseph, American jurist, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court
- Tracy, Benjamin Franklin, American lawyer, cabinet member, and soldier
- Traynor, Roger John, American jurist
- Tribonian, Roman jurist
- Ulpian, Roman jurist
- Warren, Charles, American lawyer and historian
- Wharton, Francis, American clergyman and lawyer
- Wheaton, Henry, American jurist and diplomat
- Wickersham, George Woodward, American lawyer and government official
- Wigmore, John Henry, American legal educator
- Wilson, James, American jurist
- Wythe, George, American lawyer
- Zaleucus, Greek lawgiver