TIME Person of the Year

How “Lucky Lindy”—and a slow week for news—gave birth to a memorable annual tradition
The founders of TIME Magazine, Henry Luce and Briton Haddon, were strong believers in the idea that history is shaped by the deeds of extraordinary men and women. This thesis, most memorably advanced by the British writer Thomas Carlyle, was well-suited to the American vision of the two Yale graduates, since it ran counter to the assertions of Karl Marx and others that history is made by impersonal economic and social forces.
TIME's insistence on the primacy of the individual finds its most memorable form in the magazine's annual designation of a Person of the Year—the individual whose actions most affected the course of the news within the last 12 months. But the magazine's signature annual tribute was not the result of high-level philosophizing: rather, it was driven by something far more important to journalists—a deadline.
The year was 1927; it was the last week in December. During the holiday season, the normal flow of public events had temporarily ebbed to a trickle. Looking to 1928, the editors at TIME were having trouble finding a newsworthy cover subject for the first issue of the new year. At the same time, they realized that they had passed up several opportunities during the year to put aviator Charles Lindbergh on its cover. Since his nonstop flight from New York to Paris in late May, the young pilot had been idolized—yet he had never appeared on the magazine's cover. So the editors came up with a new concept: instead of highlighting a personality of the week, it was decided that the cover for Jan. 2, 1928, would feature Lindbergh, and that beneath his likeness would be the words “Man of the Year.”
A year later, the cover for TIME's first issue of 1929 revealed that its editors had named car magnate Walter P. Chrysler as Man of the Year for 1928—and it was obvious that an annual tradition had been born. Though TIME named a number of Women of the Year in the decades that followed, the editors eventually settled on the non-gender-specific term Person of the Year for the magazine's annual citation.
The term “Person of the Year”—redolent of countless Chamber of Commerce dinners—suggests to many people that it is awarded as an accolade. It is not. Rather, it designates the person who, in the editors' opinion, has most affected the course of history in the past twelve months—for good or for ill.
In 1938, for instance, Adolf Hitler completed his Anschluss of Austria and brokered the tragic agreement at Munich that put Czechoslovakia into his hands. However reluctantly, the editors concluded that Hitler's actions had most affected history's course, and he became the 1938 Man of the Year. Similarly, in 1979, Ayatullah Khomeini was named Man of the Year, even while he held Americans hostage in Teheran. TIME received more than 14,000 letters complaining about the choice.
After 85 years, the Person of the Year has become an institution: whereas in one sense it is a sort of intellectual parlor game, it also challenges TIME's editors and readers to reflect on the events of the past year critically, dispassionately, and rigorously.
- 1927 Charles Lindbergh
- 1928 Walter P. Chrysler
- 1929 Owen D. Young
- 1930 Mahatma Gandhi
- 1931 Pierre Laval
- 1932 Franklin D. Roosevelt
- 1933 Hugh S. Johnson
- 1934 Franklin D. Roosevelt
- 1935 Haile Selassie
- 1936 Wallis Warfield Simpson
- 1937 Gen. and Mrs. Chiang Kai-shek
- 1938 Adolf Hitler
- 1939 Joseph Stalin
- 1940 Winston Churchill
- 1941 Franklin D. Roosevelt
- 1942 Joseph Stalin
- 1943 Gen. George C. Marshall
- 1944 Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower
- 1945 Harry S. Truman
- 1946 James F. Byrnes
- 1947 Gen. George C. Marshall
- 1948 Harry S. Truman
- 1949 Winston Churchill
- 1950 G.I. Joe
- 1951 Mohammed Mossadegh
- 1952 Queen Elizabeth II
- 1953 Konrad Adenauer
- 1954 John Foster Dulles
- 1955 Harlow H. Curtice
- 1956 Hungarian Patriot
- 1957 Nikita Khrushchev
- 1958 Charles DeGaulle
- 1959 Dwight D. Eisenhower
- 1960 U.S. Scientists
- 1961 John F. Kennedy
- 1962 Pope John XXIII
- 1963 Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.
- 1964 Lyndon B. Johnson
- 1965 Gen. William Westmoreland
- 1966 Americans under 25
- 1967 Lyndon B. Johnson
- 1968 Astronauts Anders, Borman, Lovell
- 1969 The Middle Americans
- 1970 Willy Brandt
- 1971 Richard M. Nixon
- 1972 Richard M. Nixon and Henry Kissinger
- 1973 Judge John J. Sirica
- 1974 King Faisal
- 1975 American Women
- 1976 Jimmy Carter
- 1977 Anwar Sadat
- 1978 Deng Xiaoping
- 1979 Ayatollah Khomeini
- 1980 Ronald Reagan
- 1981 Lech Walesa
- 1982 The Personal Computer
- 1983 Ronald Reagan and Yuri Andropov
- 1984 Peter Ueberroth
- 1985 Deng Xiaoping
- 1986 Corazon Aquino
- 1987 Mikhail Gorbachev
- 1988 Endangered Earth
- 1989 Mikhail Gorbachev
- 1990 George H. W. Bush
- 1991 Ted Turner
- 1992 Bill Clinton
- 1993 The Peacemakers: Rabin, Arafat, Mandela, De Klerk
- 1994 Pope John Paul II
- 1995 Newt Gingrich
- 1996 Dr. David Ho
- 1997 Andrew Grove
- 1998 Bill Clinton andKenneth Starr
- 1999 Jeff Bezos
- 2000 George W. Bush
- 2001 Rudolph Giuliani
- 2002 The Whistleblowers
- 2003 The American Soldier
- 2004 George W. Bush
- 2005 Bono and Bill and Melinda Gates
- 2006 You: Internet-based user-generated content (uploading via blogs, web 2.0, Myspace, YouTube, Wikipedia, Facebook, and other means)
- 2007 Vladimir Putin
- 2008 Barack Obama
- 2009 Ben Bernanke
- 2010 Mark Zuckerberg
- 2011 The Protestor
- 2012 Barack Obama
- 2013 Pope Francis
- 2014 The Ebola Fighters
- 2015 Angela Merkel
- 2016 Donald Trump