English Only?

The Question:
My friend and I are having a debate. He says that the United States does not have an official language. I thought English was our official language. Who's right?
The Answer:
You two aren't the only ones debating this issue.
For the record, the United States does not have an official language even though English is spoken by more Americans than any other language in this country.
Throughout American history there have been many attempts to make English the official language of the federal government. One such attempt is the English Language Amendment which would be an amendment to the U.S. Constitution that would make English this country's official language.
Proponents of such an amendment suggest that making English the official language would unite Americans. Opponents argue that making English the official language would overlook the importance of individuals native language and culture.
There are 25 U.S. state governments that have passed some form of "English-Only" legislation which calls for English to be used in almost all of their government dealings.
Here are some resources to learn more about this topic.
- ACLU "English Only" Page
- U.S. English Towards a United America
-The Editors