August 2016: Moon Express: To the Moon and Back?

Updated August 5, 2020 | Infoplease Staff

U.S. News | Disasters & Science News

Here's a slideshow depicting the major science and disaster news events of August 2016.

Moon Express: To the Moon and Back?
Image of the moon with plane in front of it.
The United States federal government gives the private company Moon Express permission to land on the moon in 2017. If successful, this will be the first non-government organization to land on the moon; other private companies in the past have simply traveled within the Earth's orbit. The Federal Aviation Administration gave the permission in July, but it is made public by Moon Express on August 3, 2016. Moon Express is one of 16 teams in competition to be the first to land on the Moon—the winning team will earn $20 million from Google, who in 2007 launched its Lunar X Prize. Moon Express was started in 2010 with the mission to develop the moon's resources.
Photo source: AP Photo/Julio Cortez

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