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SLM Corporation

(Encyclopedia) SLM Corporation, foremost provider of funding for higher education to American students; commonly known as Sallie Mae. The company, which also offers information and resources to…

Sallie Mae

(Encyclopedia) Sallie Mae: see SLM Corporation.

Federal National Mortgage Association

(Encyclopedia) Federal National Mortgage Association (FMNA), commonly known as Fannie Mae, government-sponsored enterprise that is the largest purchaser and guarantor of home mortgages in the country…

April 2009 Current Events: Business/Science News

U.S. News | World News Here are the key events in business and science news for the month of April 2009. Unemployment Rate Reaches 8.5%; 663,00 Jobs Lost in March (Apr. 3): The government reports…

Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation

(Encyclopedia) Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, commonly known as Freddie Mac, government-sponsored enterprise that uses private capital to buy home mortgages as a means to help lower housing…

Sally Field

Sally Field has twice won best actress Oscars: for the labor drama Norma Rae (1979) and for Places In the Heart (1984, with John Malkovich). Sally Field got her start playing spunky-but-naive young…

Loan Officer

What is this job like? Loan officers help people apply for loans. This lets people do things like buy a house or a car, or pay for college. Loan officers help businesses by loaning them money…

Sally Ride

Sally Kirsten Ride was the first American woman to fly in space, going aloft in the space shuttle Challenger in 1983 and again in 1984. (The very first woman in space was the cosmonaut Valentina…

Loan Processor

Tracy Manley What do you do? I work for HomeAmerican Mortgage -- the Mortgage Company for Richmond American Homes . I process mortgage loans…

Housing Expense Guidelines

Source: Fannie Mae Your job history is important and it will be a major factor in whether you qualify for a loan. If you have been working continuously for two years or more, you are considered to…