Joel McCrea

Joel McCrea

Born: 11/5/1905
Birthplace: South Pasadena, California

After working as a stunt man in films, Joel McCrea got his first starring role in 1930's The Silver Horde. By the time the 1930s had ended, McCrea's dependable, trustworthy persona helped him to complete more than 38 films, most of them westerns, including The Most Dangerous Game (1932), Private Worlds (1935), These Three (1936), and Union Pacific (1939). McCrea also starred in such successful comedies as Primrose Path (1940), Sullivan's Travels (1941), and The More the Merrier (1943). He also appeared in Alfred Hitchcock's Foreign Correspondent (1940). After 1946 McCrea, who listed his occupation as rancher and called acting his hobby, appeared mostly in westerns, including the classic Ride the High Country (1962).

Died: 10/20/1990

Frank McCourtMDavid McCullough
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