Xwords valentine

Updated January 30, 2023 | Infoplease Staff
Infoplease Crossword
by Kelly Ann Buchanan
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This week's theme: Valentine's Day
Valentine's Day Features


1. It's all you need on Valentine's Day!

5. Heard on Valentine's Day: "This ___ got to be the greatest Valentine's Day ever!"

8. Break

12. Romantic Valentine Fabric

13. Compass direction

14. VALENTINE'S HISTORY: It stems from a ___ fertility festival celebrated by ancient Romans on Feb. 15th to honor the Pastoral God of Herbs and Crops (See #69A). The day before the festival (Feb. 14th), they would honor Juno, the Goddess of Women and Marriage. Through time, Valentine's has become a combo of the tales of the Pastoral God, Juno and Valentine (See #24A and #51A).

16. Valentine's Day gifts

19. German for "Here's to You!": "Auf ___ Gesundheit!"

20. It'll make "regular" atypical

21. Before, before

22. Valentine's Vice

24. Valentine, for one

27. Winter sport verb

28. It'll turn "Pica" into a famous painter

29. Frilly 'n' Fancy Fabrics seen on Valentine's Day

31. Valentine confectioneries

34. Gullible assistant: ___ damn©e

35. ___ and behold!

37. Within the limits

38. Ship's Steerer

42. Valentine's Day date itinerary

47. Himalayan Humanoid

48. Film rating

49. Word seen on a Valentine's gift tag

50. Comedian Phillips

51. VALENTINE'S HISTORY: In the 2nd Century A.D., Valentine was a Christian ___ who wed young couples against the rules of Roman Emperor Claudius II who forbade soldiers from marrying because he feared it would interfere with their prowess. For disobeying, Valentine was beheaded on February 14th, 270 A.D..

55. Cupid's matchmaking weapon on Valentine's Day

57. Gershwin with pen

60. Romantic play to watch on Valentine's Day: "Romeo ___ Juliet"

61. Cute 'n' Cuddly Buddy Holly song to listen to on Valentine's Day

63. Valentine Gift Giver: ___ Admirer

65. Hawaiian guitar, briefly

66. Male title

68. Someone to celebrate Valentine's Day with

69. VALENTINE'S HISTORY: As per #14A - Name of the ancient Roman festival that derives its name from the Roman Pastoral God of Herbs and Crops

74. Undercover agents

76. Romantic ___ Howard directed film to rent on Valentine's Day: "Far and Away" (1992)

77. Heard on Valentine's Day: "I have been in such ___ since our breakup ...sniff, sniff. Won't you pleeeease take me back, honey?"

78. It's Filled with Fodder on a Farm

79. Outs Opposites

80. Romantic Valentine symbol



1. He was the Cowardly Lion in "The Wizard of Oz" (1939): Bert ___

2. "Logy" prefix

3. Actor Damone

4. Co-producer of the U2 album "Achtung Baby"

5. Valentine's Day symbols

6. Poker stake

7. Heard at a Valentine's Day party: "When can I ___ you again?"

8. Editor's notation

9. Dewey-eyed

10. Turkish Titles

11. Romantic city to celebrate Valentine's Day

12. ___-fi

15. Roman Ruler

17. Dykstra of baseball

18. Japanese beverage

23. Equip

24. Aroma, of a perfume gift, on Valentine's Day

25. Irish writer George William Russell's pseudonym

26. Ait

27. ___ a Valentine's Day card to that "special someone"

29. Sizzlin' Tom Jones song to listen to on Valentine's Day: "She's a ___"

30. Marie-Claire's friend

32. Cupid's Valentine Flappers

33. Certain Cable Channel

36. Alternative word

39. Heard on Valentine's Day: "___ moment away from you feels like an eternity!"

40. Luxurious vehicle rented for a special Valentine's Day date

41. Cat's Cry

43. Pinch

44. Copied

45. Heard on Valentine's Day: "Okay, my darling, I'll pick you up ___ seven sharp, but please be discreet!"

46. Land opposite Jericho

52. Actress ___ Dawn Chong

53. Worldwide, weenily

54. Jewelry, Candy, Flowers, etc. on Valentine's Day: ___ of Affection

56. Madonna's nickname for her good friend Ms. O'Donnell

57. Belief systems

58. Harvests

59. Part of #60A

62. Raunchy Rocker by The Beatles to listen to on Valentine's Day: "I Saw ___ Standing There"

64. Screening Room item

65. Fairytale Intro: "Once ___ a time..."

66. Seen on a Valentine card: "Be ___"

67. Beam of light

70. Spoon bender Geller

71. Convertible or Sedan

72. In the past

73. Angeles completer

75. Heard on Valentine's Day: "___, now that you know how I feel about you; how do you feel about me?"




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Copyright © Kelly Ann Buchanan. Web page created by Crossword Compiler.

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