Monaco | Facts & Information

Updated September 9, 2022 | Infoplease Staff
Infoplease has everything you need to know about Monaco. Check out our country profile, full of essential information about Monaco's geography, history, government, economy, population, culture, religion and languages. If that's not enough, click over to our collection of world maps and flags.

Facts & Figures

  • Ruler: Prince Albert II (2005)

    Minister of State: Serge Telle (2016)

    Total area: 0.8 sq mi (2.0 sq km)

    Population (2013 est.): 30,508 (growth rate: 0.06%); birth rate: 6.72/1000; infant mortality rate: 1.81/1000; life expectancy: 89.57

    Capital (2003 est.): Monaco, 1,400

    Largest city: Monte Carlo, 15,400

    Monetary unit: Euro

    National name: Principauté de Monaco

    Current government officials

    Languages: French (official), English, Italian, Monégasque

    Ethnicity/race: French 47%, Monegasque 16%, Italian 16%, other 21%

    Religion: Roman Catholic 90%

    National Holiday: National Day (Saint Rainier's Day), November 19

    Literacy rate: 99% (2003 est.)

    Economic summary: GDP/PPP (2012 est.): $6.213 billion; per capita $85,500. Real growth rate: 0.9%. Inflation: 1.5%. Unemployment: 2% (2012). Arable land: 0%. Agriculture: none. Labor force: 52,490; note: includes workers from all foreign countries (2012 est.). Natural resources: none. Industries: tourism, construction, small-scale industrial and consumer products. Exports: $1.115 billion (2011); note: full customs integration with France, which collects and rebates Monegasque trade duties; also participates in EU market system through customs union with France. Imports: $1.162 billion (2011); note: full customs integration with France, which collects and rebates Monegasque trade duties; also participates in EU. Trading partners: Europe, Africa, Asia, U.S.

    Communications: Telephones: main lines in use: 44,500 (2012); mobile cellular: 33,200 (2012). Broadcast media: TV Monte-Carlo (TMC) operates a TV network; cable TV available; Radio Monte-Carlo has extensive radio networks in France and Italy with French-language broadcasts to France beginning in the 1960s and Italian-language broadcasts to Italy beginning in the 1970s; other radio stations include Riviera Radio and Radio Monaco (2012). Internet Service Providers (ISPs): 26,009 (2012). Internet users: 23,000 (2009).

    International disputes: none.

    Major sources and definitions