An Overview of the U.S. Population
Updated March 17, 2022 |
Infoplease Staff

(Based on Census 2010 data unless otherwise noted)
Below is a list of population statistics for the United States generated by the U.S. Census Bureau in 2010 that include total population, average family size, Hispanic population, homeowners, metropolitan population, number of married couples, and more.
- Total Resident Pop. (July 2014 est.): 318,892,103
- Population density: 88.6 people per sq mi (2014)
- Mean center of population: 3 mi east of Edgar Springs in Phelps County, Mo. (2000)
- Males: 151,492,067 (49% of pop., July 2012)
- Females: 159,421,973 (51% of pop., July 2012)
- White: 241,937,061 (77% of pop., July 2013)
- Black: 40,250,635 (13.2% of pop., July 2013)
- Asian: 15,159,513 (5.3% of pop., July 2013)
- American Indian and Alaska Native: 3,739,506 (1.2% of pop., July 2013)
- Hispanic/Latino1: 50,477,594 (17.1% of pop., July 2013)
- Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander: 674,625 (0.2% of pop., July 2013)
- Median age: 37.1 (2012)
- Metropolitan population: 250 million (2011 est.)
- Nonmetropolitan population: 63 million (2011 est.)
- Families: 77,538,296
- Average family size: 3.14
- Homeownership (2010): 65.1% of pop.
- Married couples: 56,510,377
- Never married: 74,243,000
- Divorced: 23,742,000
- Widowed: 14,341,000
1. People of Hispanic or Latino origin may be of any race.
See also Population.
Profile of the United States |