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Biddle, George

(Encyclopedia) Biddle, George, 1885–1973, American painter and writer on art, b. Philadelphia. After studying abroad Biddle settled in the 1930s in Croton-on-Hudson, N.Y., where he devoted himself to…

Steinbeck, John

(Encyclopedia) Steinbeck, John, 1902–68, American writer, b. Salinas, Calif., studied at Stanford. He is probably best remembered for his strong sociological novel The Grapes of Wrath, considered one…


(Encyclopedia) pancake, thin, flat cake, made of batter and baked on a griddle or fried in a pan. Pancakes, probably the oldest form of bread, are known in different forms throughout the world. The…


(Encyclopedia) bread, food made from grains that have been ground into flour or meal, moistened and kneaded into a dough, and then baked. Many types of bread are leavened, usually with yeast, which…

Brewer's: Flat

One who is not sharp; a suite of rooms on one floor. “Oh, Messrs ... what flats you are!” —The Times. “He said he was going to have a flat to let on the top floor.” — Howells: Hazards of…

Brewer's: B Flats

Bugs. The pun is “B” (the initial letter), and “flat,” from the flatness of the obnoxious insect. Also called Norfolk Howards, from Mr. Bugg, who advertised in the Times that he should in…

Flat Stanley

Name at birth: Stanley LambchopThe central character in a series of children's books dating back to 1964, Flat Stanley has a second career as a globetrotting educational tool, thanks to the Internet'…

Brewer's: Flat-fish

He is a regular flat-fish. A dull, stupid fellow, not up to anything. The play is upon flat (stupid), and such fish as plaice, dabs, and soles. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E…

Brewer's: Flat Milk

Skimmed milk, that is, milk “fletted” (Anglo-Saxon, flet, cream; Latin, flos lactis.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Flat RaceFlat-fish A B C D E F G…

Brewer's: Flat Race

(A). A race on the flat or level ground without obstacles. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Flat SimplicityFlat Milk A B C D E F G H I J K L M N…