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drill, tool

(Encyclopedia) drill, tool used to create a hole, usually in some hard substance, by its rotary or hammering action. Many different tools make up the drill family. The awl is a pointed instrument…

"Spudding" in Oil Drilling

The Question: In the oil drilling industry there is a term called "spudding." What is it and how does it work? The Answer: To spud comes from…


(Encyclopedia) awl: see drill.


(Encyclopedia) brace: see drill.


(Encyclopedia) bit: see drill.


(Encyclopedia) augeraugerôˈgər [key]: see drill.


(Encyclopedia) gimletgimletgĭmˈlĭt [key]: see drill.

Brewer's: Life-boat

(A). A boat rendered especially buoyant for the purpose of saving those who are in peril of their life at sea. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Life-buoyLife…

South Shields

(Encyclopedia) South Shields, city (1991 pop. 86,488), South Tyneside, NE England, at the mouth of the Tyne River. It is a significant port. Shipbuilding and marine engineering are the main…