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complex ion

(Encyclopedia) complex ion, charged molecular aggregate (see ion), consisting of a metallic atom or ion to which is attached one or more electron-donating molecules. In some complex ions, such as…

ion, in chemistry

(Encyclopedia) ion, atom or group of atoms having a net electric charge. Ionization has many applications. Vapor lamps and fluorescent lamps take advantage of the light given off when positive ions…


(Encyclopedia) Piatra-NeamţPiatra-Neamţpyäˈträ-nyämts [key], city (1990 pop. 118,216), NE Romania, in the Bacău region. Food processing, and the manufacture of fertilizers, furniture, ceramics, and…


(Encyclopedia) pH, range of numbers expressing the relative acidity or alkalinity of a solution. In general, pH values range from 0 to 14. The pH of a neutral solution, i.e., one which is neither…


(Encyclopedia) ligandligandlĭgˈənd [key], charged or uncharged molecule with one or more unshared pairs of electrons that can attach to a central metallic atom or ion to form an aggregate known as a…

Goodenough, John Bannister

(Encyclopedia) Goodenough, John Bannister, 1922–, American physicist, b. Jena, Germany, Ph.D. Univ. of Chicago, 1952. Goodenough was a researcher at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology from…

Caragiale, Ion Luca

(Encyclopedia) Caragiale, Ion LucaCaragiale, Ion Lucayŏn l&oomacr;ˈkä käräjäˈlĭ [key], 1853–1912, Romanian playwright and author. Romania's foremost dramatist, his works sharply satirized…

aqua regia

(Encyclopedia) aqua regiaaqua regiaäkˈwə [key]aqua regiarēˈjēə [key] [Lat.,=royal water], corrosive, fuming yellow liquid prepared by mixing one volume of concentrated nitric acid with three to four…