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Brennus, fl. c.389 b.c., legendary Gallic leader

(Encyclopedia) Brennus, fl. c.389 b.c., legendary Gallic leader. He occupied Rome but failed to take the Capitol from Manlius (Marcus Manlius Capitolinus). According to legend, when the tribute that…


(Encyclopedia) SassettaSassettasäs-sĕtˈtä [key], c.1400–1450, Italian painter of the Sienese school, whose original name was Stefano di Giovanni. A popular artist, he painted many large altarpieces,…

Thierry, Augustin

(Encyclopedia) Thierry, AugustinThierry, AugustinōgüstăNˈ tyĕrēˈ [key], 1795–1856, French historian. His vivid literary style, romantic treatment of events, and use of contemporary documents helped…

Steinbeck, John

(Encyclopedia) Steinbeck, John, 1902–68, American writer, b. Salinas, Calif., studied at Stanford. He is probably best remembered for his strong sociological novel The Grapes of Wrath, considered one…

Brewer's: Battle

Professor Creasy says there are fifteen decisive battles; that is, battles which have decided some political change: B.C. 490, Marathon, 413, Syracuse; 331, Arbela; 207, Metaurus; the…

Hauser, Kaspar

(Encyclopedia) Hauser, KasparHauser, Kasparkäsˈpär houˈzər [key], 1812?–1833, mysterious German foundling. He appeared in Nuremberg in 1828 in a state of semi-idiocy, producing dubious documents and…


(Encyclopedia) Battle, town, East Sussex, SE England. The town grew up on the site (then a moorland) of the battle of Hastings (1066). The victorious William the Conqueror built Battle Abbey to…

Ferdinand I, king of Portugal

(Encyclopedia) Ferdinand I, 1345–83, king of Portugal (1367–83), son and successor of Peter I. His ambitions and his private life plunged the realm into disaster, although during his reign…

Lights! Camera! Learning! - History

History lesson: Real history on film George C. Scott as Old Blood and Guts Patton This unforgettable biopic explores the hot-headed military genius General George Patton, played by George C…