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Nicolet, Jean

(Encyclopedia) Nicolet, JeanNicolet, JeanzhäN nēkôlāˈ [key], 1598?–1642, French explorer in the Old Northwest. He came to New France with Samuel de Champlain in 1618. In 1634, under the direction of…

Farid ad-Din Attar

(Encyclopedia) Farid ad-Din AttarFarid ad-Din Attarfärēdˈ äd-dēn ät-tärˈ [key], 1142?–1220?, b. Nishapur, Persia, one of the greatest Sufi mystic poets of Islam. His masterpiece is the Mantiq ut-Tair…

Quental, Antero de

(Encyclopedia) Quental, Antero deQuental, Antero deäntĕˈrō dĭ kēntälˈ [key], 1842–91, Portuguese poet. A brilliant student at the Univ. of Coimbra, he led the Coimbra dissidents in their opposition…

Eustace, Alan

(Encyclopedia) Eustace, Alan (Robert Alan Eustace), 1956–, American computer scientist and adventurer, b. Pine Hills, Fla., Ph.D. Univ. of Central Florida, 1984. He worked for Digital Equipment Corp…

trapdoor spider

(Encyclopedia) trapdoor spider, burrow-dwelling spider of the Old and New Worlds. Trapdoor spiders dig burrows, which they line with silk and protect by constructing one or two circular, hinged…

Baffin, William

(Encyclopedia) Baffin, William, c.1584–1622, British arctic explorer. He was pilot on two expeditions (1615–16) sent out to search for the Northwest Passage under command of Robert Bylot, who was…


(Encyclopedia) nuthatchnuthatchnŭtˈhăch [key], common name applied to a number of Old and New World species of small birds of the genus Sitta, related to the titmouse and the creeper. The name refers…

Samuel, Herbert Louis Samuel, 1st Viscount

(Encyclopedia) Samuel, Herbert Louis Samuel, 1st Viscount, 1870–1963, British statesman. Entering Parliament as a Liberal in 1902, he was postmaster general (1910–14, 1915–16) and home secretary (…


(Encyclopedia) warrant, in law, written order by an official of a court directed to an officer. The search warrant and the warrant of arrest are the most frequently used types. Warrants of attachment…

Ayolas, Juan de

(Encyclopedia) Ayolas, Juan deAyolas, Juan dehwän dā äyōˈläs [key], d. 1537?, Spanish conquistador, explorer of the Río de la Plata country. He accompanied Pedro de Mendoza on his expedition of 1535–…