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(Encyclopedia) Rai'ateaRai'atearäˌyätāˈä [key], volcanic island, 92 sq mi (238 sq km), South Pacific, largest and most important of the Leeward group of the Society Islands, French Polynesia. The…


(Encyclopedia) RaichurRaichurrīˈch&oomacr;r [key], city (1991 pop. 170,577), Karnataka state, S central India. It is a district administrative center and a market for sesame, sorghum, cotton,…

Raiffeisen, Friedrich Wilhelm

(Encyclopedia) Raiffeisen, Friedrich WilhelmRaiffeisen, Friedrich Wilhelmfrēˈdrĭkh vĭlˈhĕlm rīfˈīˌzən [key], 1818–88, German leader in the cooperative movement. Between 1845 and 1865 he was mayor of…

Raikes, Robert

(Encyclopedia) Raikes, RobertRaikes, Robertrāks [key], 1735–1811, English philanthropist. In 1780 he organized a Sunday school, primarily for poor children, who were taught to read and to spell to…


(Encyclopedia) rail, common name for some members of the large family Rallidae, marsh and tropical forest birds that include the gallinule and the coot, two specialized rails. Rails are cosmopolitan…


(Encyclopedia) railroad or railway, form of transportation most commonly consisting of steel rails, called tracks, on which trains of freight cars, passenger cars, and other rolling stock are drawn…

Raimondi, Marcantonio

(Encyclopedia) Raimondi, MarcantonioRaimondi, Marcantoniomärkäntôˈnyō rīmônˈdē [key], b. c.1480, d. before c.1534, Italian engraver. In Venice he was influenced by Dürer to such an extent that he…