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topiary work

(Encyclopedia) topiary worktopiary worktōˈpēĕrˌē [key], pruning and training of shrubs and trees into ornamental shapes, used in landscape gardening. Elaborate topiary work in which trees and shrubs…

Brewer's: Field Works

Works thrown up by an army in besieging or defending a fortress, or in strengthening its position. “Earth-forts, and especially field works, will hereafter play an important part in wars…

Brewer's: Mosaic Work

is not connected with the proper name Moses, but with the Muses (Latin, opus muscum, musium, or musivum; Greek, mouseion; French, mosaique; Italian, mosaico). Pliny says it was so called…

"A Work in Progress"

  What do you feel your obligation is, to the people that you don't know, that you haven't a history with— the descendants of black slaves. What do you owe them? Here's the…

Medical Social Work

David Esquith TELL US ABOUT YOUR WORK---WHAT DO YOU DO? I manage the daily operation of a section of the Department of Case Management . There are 35…

Brewer's: All-work

A maid of all work. A general servant who does all the work of a house; at once nurse-maid, house-maid, and cook. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894AllaAll…

Brewer's: Buhl-work

Cabinet-work, inlaid with brass; so called from Signor Boule, the inventor, who settled in Paris during the reign of Louis XIV. (The word should be spelt BOULE-WORK.) Source: Dictionary…

What Works Are Protected

Copyright protects “original works of authorship” that are fixed in a tangible form of expression. The fixation need not be directly perceptible so long as it may be communicated with the…

Brewer's: Dead Works

in theology. Such works as do not earn salvation, or even assist in obtaining it. For such a purpose their value is nil. (Heb. ix. 14.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham…