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Blackburn with Darwen

(Encyclopedia) Blackburn with Darwen Blackburn with Darwen därˈwĭn, dărˈĕn [key], borough and unitary authority, NW…

Americans with Disabilities Act

(Encyclopedia) Americans with Disabilities Act, U.S. civil-rights law, enacted 1990, that forbids discrimination of various sorts against persons with physical or mental handicaps. Its primary…


(Encyclopedia) anhydrideanhydrideănhīˈdrīd, –drĭd [key] [Gr.,=without water], chemical compound formed by removing water, H2O, from another compound; the anhydride can also react with water to form…


(Encyclopedia) pancake, thin, flat cake, made of batter and baked on a griddle or fried in a pan. Pancakes, probably the oldest form of bread, are known in different forms throughout the world. The…

meteor shower

(Encyclopedia) meteor shower, increase in the number of meteors observed in a particular part of the sky. The trails of the meteors of a meteor shower all appear to be traceable back to a single…


(Encyclopedia) alizarinalizarinəlĭzˈərĭn [key], or 1,2-dihydroxyanthraquinone, mordant vegetable dye obtained originally from the root of the madder plant (Rubia tinctorum), in which it occurs as a…


(Encyclopedia) mainstreaming, in education, practice of teaching handicapped children in regular classrooms with nonhandicapped children to the fullest extent possible; such children may have…


(Encyclopedia) hookworm, any of a number of bloodsucking nematodes in the phylum Nematoda, order Strongiloidae that live as parasites in humans and other mammals and attach themselves to the host's…

LL Cool J

(Encyclopedia) LL Cool J , 1968- , African-American rapper and actor, b. Queens, N.Y., as James Todd Smith. Smith had a tragic upbringing, with his…