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Banerjee, Abhijit Vanayak

(Encyclopedia) Banerjee, Abhijit Vanayak, 1961–, Indian-American economist, b. Mumbai, Ph.D. Harvard, 1988. He taught economics at Princeton (1988–92) and Harvard (1992–93) before moving to the…


(Encyclopedia) nationalization, acquisition and operation by a country of business enterprises formerly owned and operated by private individuals or corporations. State or local authorities have…

Warren Harding (December 8, 1922)

MEMBERS OF THE CONGRESS: So many problems are calling for solution that a recital of all of them, in the face of the known limitations of a short session of Congress, would seem to lack sincerity…

What is the World's Oldest Country?

Enduring Civilizations Over the past thousands of years, civilizations, empires, and countries have risen and fallen. Some of these have been erased from history leaving very little behind while…