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V. The Svetasvatara-Upanishad

V. The Svetasvatara-UpanishadThe Svetâsvatara-upanishad has been handed down as one of the thirty-three Upanishads of the Taittirîyas, and though this has been doubted, no real argument has…

The Congress of Women: Opening Address

IntroductionThe Finding of the New WorldOpening Address MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF LADY MANAGERS AND FRIENDS:-The moment of fruition has arrived. Hopes which for more than two years have…

Dwight D. Eisenhower (January 9, 1958)

Mr. President, Mr. Speaker, Members of the 85th Congress: It is again my high privilege to extend personal greetings to the members of the 85th Congress. All of us realize that, as this new…

Theories of the Universe: How Did We Get Here?

How Did We Get Here?Theories of the UniverseEvolution vs. CreationismIt's a Matter of OpinionHow Did We Get Here?And God Said … I wanted to spend some time discussing ideas about the nature of…