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Thicke, Alan

actor, composerBirthplace: Kirland Lake, Ont., CanadaBorn: 3/1/47

Brewer's: Thick

Through thick and thin (Dryden). Through evil and through good report; through stoggy mud and stones only thinly covered with dust. Through perils both of wind and limb She followed him…

Brewer's: Thick-skinned

Not sensitive; not irritated by rebukes and slanders. Thin-skinned, on the contrary, means impatient of reproof or censure; their skin is so thin it annoys them to be touched. Source:…


(Encyclopedia) thick-knee, common name for terrestrial, Old World birds in the family Burhinidae. The name derives from the bird's thickened tarsal joints. Thick-knees are shy, solitary birds. They…

Walt Whitman: Thick-Sprinkled Bunting

Thick-Sprinkled BuntingThick-sprinkled bunting! flag of stars! Long yet your road, fateful flag—long yet your road, and lined with bloody death, For the prize I see at issue at last is…

New Red Sandstone

(Encyclopedia) New Red Sandstone, name for the thick red layer of the Triassic formation in Great Britain (see Triassic period). It is many thousands of feet thick and is composed chiefly of red…


(Encyclopedia) tissue, in biology, aggregation of cells that are similar in form and function and the intercellular substances produced by them. The fundamental tissues in animals are epithelial,…