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Brewer's: Purple

(blue and red) indicates the love of truth even unto martyrdom. (See under Colour , for its symbolisms, etc.) Purple (Promotion to the). Promotion to the rank of cardinal in the Roman…

Brutus V

Brutus V13 December 1787AbstractA powerful rebuttal of Hamilton, the logic of Brutus can be found in a supreme Court decision of 1819, McCulloch v. Maryland. Taken from "Brutus" fifth essay,…

Ludwig L. Zamenhof

Name at birth: Eliezer ZamenhofL.L. Zamenhof was a Polish eye doctor who spent his life constructing and promoting the Lingvo Internacia -- international language -- known as Esperanto. He first…

Oscar De La Hoya

Oscar De La Hoya is a Mexican-American boxing champion whose good looks and charisma made him one of the few non-heavyweights to become a pop culture celebrity. After years as a successful amateur…

David Farragut

Name at birth: James Glasgow FarragutAmerican naval officer David Farragut is remembered for his Civil War victory at Mobile Bay and his rallying cry, "Damn the torpedoes! Full speed ahead!"…

Oliver Hazard Perry

Oliver Hazard Perry joined the navy in his early teens, and by his early twenties he had been promoted to lieutenant. After he served in the Tripolitan War in the Mediterranean (1802-03) he returned…

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Biography

spiritual leaderDied: February 5, 2008 (Vlodrop, the Netherlands) Best Known as: spiritual leader who introduced transcendental meditation to the West…