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Convention on the Rights of the Child, Part I

Convention on the Rights of the ChildPart IArticle 1For the purposes of the present Convention, a child means every human being below the age of eighteen years unless under the law applicable…

Impartial Examiner V

Impartial Examiner V18 June 1788by When a change, so momentous in it's nature, as that of new modelling a plan of government, becomes the object of any people's meditation, every citizen,…

Niger Chiefs of State and Cabinet Members

Info   Chiefs of State and Cabinet Members of Foreign GovernmentsDate of Information: 9/25/2022[source] Pres. Mohamed Bazoum Prime Min. Ouhoumoudou Mahamadou Min. of Agriculture…

The Congress of Women: Women in Modern Italy

by Madame Fanny Zampini Salazar The Fate of RepublicsThe Wife of BlennerhassettWomen in Modern Italy Signora Fanny Zampini Salazar is a native of Italy, daughter of Demetro Salazar. She…

Fernand Lamaze

The namesake of the Lamaze Method, Dr. Fernand Lamaze was a French obstetrician who championed the idea of painless childbirth. Based on ideas he had developed after visiting the U.S. S. R. and…

Dick Weber

Dick Weber was a founding member and longtime star of the Professional Bowlers Association (PBA). His legendary half-century career included 26 regular and six senior PBA tour titles, and put Weber…