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Brewer's: Anon

immediately, at once. The Old English an-on or an-ane = at once. Variants, on one, anone. “They knewye hym in brekyng of brede, and onone he vanyste awaye fro hem.” —MS. Lincoln, A 1, 17…

Brewer's: Vassal

A youth. In feudal times it meant a feudatory, or one who held lands under a “lord.” In law it means a bondservant or political slave, as “England shall never be the vassal of a foreign…

Brewer's: Garratt

(g hard). The Mayor of Garratt. Garratt is between Wands-worth and Tooting; the first mayor of this village was elected towards the close of the eighteenth century; and his election came…

Federalist No. 65

No 64 No 66 The Powers of the Senate Continued From the New York Packet.Friday, March 7, 1788. Hamilton To the People of the State of New York: THE remaining…

Alexander Hamilton: Ceasar II

Ceasar IIAlexander HamiltonWednesday, October 17, 1787For the Daily Advertiser. “The great source of all the evils which afflict Republics, is, that the people are too apt to make choice of…

The Federalist Papers: Federalist No. 65

by AlexanderHamilton, JamesMadison and JohnJayFederalist No. 64Federalist No. 66Federalist No. 65 The Powers of the Senate Continued To the People of the State of New York: The…

Book Three

Book Three   We ought to consider not only that our life is daily wasting away and a smaller part of it is left, but another thing also must be taken into the account, that if a man should…

Conservative party, British political party

(Encyclopedia) Conservative party, British political party, formally the Conservative and Unionist party and a continuation of the historic Tory party. In 1965, Edward Heath became the first…

Conservative party, Canadian political party

(Encyclopedia) Conservative party, in Canada. 1 Former Canadian political party that merged with the Progressive party to form the Progressive Conservative party. 2 Officially the Conservative party…

Lowell, John, American political writer

(Encyclopedia) Lowell, John, 1769–1840, American political writer, b. Newburyport, Mass.; son of John Lowell (1743–1802). He practiced law, but devoted most of his time to supporting his Federalist…