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Renard, Jules

(Encyclopedia) Renard, JulesRenard, Juleszhül rənärˈ [key], 1864–1910, French writer. His Écornifleur (1892) is a novel about a young writer's selfish exploitation of a bourgeois family. Poil de…

Mexico, Gulf of

(Encyclopedia) Mexico, Gulf of, arm of the Atlantic Ocean, c.700,000 sq mi (1,813,000 sq km), SE North America. The Gulf stretches more than 1,100 mi (1,770 km) from west to east and c.800 mi (1,290…

The Journals of Lewis & Clark: May 31, 1806

by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark May 30, 1806June 1, 1806May 31, 1806 Saturday May 31st 1806. Goodrich and Willard visited the indian Villages this morning and returned in the…

Science News, 2010

Major science news stories, from the Gulf of Mexico oil spill to the Chilean miners trapped undergrounds by Catherine McNiff Oil Spill Timeline Related Links 2010 Year in Review 2010…

Brewer's: Fixed Oils

Oils obtained by simple pressure. These oils do not readily dry or volatilise, but remain fixed in their oily character. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer,…