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Gibbons, Grinling

(Encyclopedia) Gibbons, Grinling, 1648–1721, English wood carver and sculptor, b. Rotterdam. From the reign of Charles II to that of George I he was master wood carver to the crown. Sir Christopher…


(Encyclopedia) Hallein Hallein hälˈīn [key], town, in Salzburg prov., W Austria, on the Salzach River, near the…


(Encyclopedia) DipoenusDipoenusdīpēˈnəs [key] and ScyllisDipoenussĭlˈĭs [key], c.580 b.c., Greek sculptors, who worked jointly in ivory, ebony, and probably marble. They are mentioned by Pliny the…


(Encyclopedia) causality, in philosophy, the relationship between cause and effect. A distinction is often made between a cause that produces something new (e.g., a moth from a caterpillar) and one…


(Encyclopedia) McKinney, city (1990 pop. 21,283), seat of Collin co., N Tex.; inc. 1849. It is a shipping point for cotton, cattle, and grains. Manufacturing includes electronic equipment, leather…

Rutland, city, United States

(Encyclopedia) Rutland, city (1990 pop. 18,230), seat of Rutland co., W Vt., at the junction of Otter and East creeks; settled c.1770, inc. as a city 1892. It is a trade and tourist center with many…

Colins, Alexander

(Encyclopedia) Colins, Colin, or Colyn, AlexanderColins, Colin, or Colyn, AlexanderälĕksäNˈdrə kôlăNˈ [key], c.1527–1612, Flemish sculptor. He brought European court mannerism to Germany, where he…


(Encyclopedia) Estremoz Estremoz ĕshtrəmôshˈ [key], town, Évora dist., S central Portugal, in Alto Alentejo. It…

Rinehart, William Henry

(Encyclopedia) Rinehart, William Henry, 1825–74, American sculptor, b. near Union Bridge, Md. A Baltimore stonecutter, he became one of the best of the early American sculptors, working in the…


(Encyclopedia) SylacaugaSylacaugasĭləkŏgˈə [key], city (1990 pop. 12,520), Talladega co., central Ala.; inc. 1839. It is a processing center for a livestock and timber area. The city is built upon a…