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Conrad I, ruler of the Holy Roman Empire

(Encyclopedia) Conrad I, d. 918, German king (911–18). As duke of Franconia he distinguished himself by military exploits and in 911 was elected successor to Louis the Child by the Franconian, Saxon…


(Encyclopedia) CarolingiansCarolingianskărəlĭnˈjēənz [key], dynasty of Frankish rulers, founded in the 7th cent. by Pepin of Landen, who, as mayor of the palace, ruled the East Frankish Kingdom of…


(Encyclopedia) Bavaria Bavaria bəvârˈēə [key], Ger. Bayern, state, 27,239 sq mi (70,549 sq km), S…


(Encyclopedia) CE5 Germany Germany jûrˈmənē [key], Ger. Deutschland, officially Federal Republic of…