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Brewer's: Lightning Proof

A building protected by lightning conductors (one or more). Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Lightning RodLightning Preservers A B C D E F G H I J K…

Brewer's: Lightning Rod

(A). (See Lightning Conductor.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894LiguoriansLightning Proof A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W…

De Maria, Walter Joseph

(Encyclopedia) De Maria, Walter Joseph, 1935–2013, American sculptor, b. Albany, Calif. From the late 1950s into the 60s De Maria partcipated in “Happenings,” created Dada-influenced minimalist…


(Encyclopedia) tridenttridenttrīˈdənt [key], in Greek mythology, three-pronged fork borne by Poseidon. It was variously represented as a fishing spear, a goad, or forked lightning.

Steinmetz, Charles Proteus

(Encyclopedia) Steinmetz, Charles ProteusSteinmetz, Charles Proteusstīnˈmĕts [key], 1865–1923, American electrical engineer, b. Breslau, Germany, studied at the Univ. of Breslau. Forced to flee…

All About Lightning Preparedness

Lightning is powerful and bright and sometimes deadly. Being struck by lightning can cause a lot of health challenges and could prove fatal. According to the National Weather Service, 305 people…

Lightning Deaths 1998-2008

The National Weather Service publication Storm Data recorded a total of 449 deaths from lightning strikes between 1998 and 2008. According to the National…


(Encyclopedia) SalmoneusSalmoneussălmōˈnēəs [key], in Greek mythology, king of Elis; son of Aeolus. Pretending to be Zeus, he demanded sacrifices, threw torches to imitate lightning, and made noises…

Barbara, Saint

(Encyclopedia) Barbara, Saint, fl. 3d or 4th cent., virgin martyr, whose life is shrouded in contradictory legends. Her father is said to have shut her up in a tower and then to have killed her for…

Caldwell, Taylor

(Encyclopedia) Caldwell, Taylor (Janet Taylor Caldwell), 1900–1985, American novelist, b. London, England. Her best-selling works ranged from romance to satire to fictionalized biography, often…