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Anatomy and
Physiology: Stops Along the Way

Stops Along the WayAnatomy and PhysiologyThe Digestive SystemStops Along the WayIt's a Long Way DownJack-of-All-TradesRunning Along the TractPancreatic Panacea?What We Do with Our Food In order…

Anatomy and
Physiology: The Heart's Own Blood

The Heart's Own BloodAnatomy and PhysiologyThe HeartAnatomy of the HeartThe Four ChambersThe Heart's Own BloodECG: Measuring a Beat Why does the heart need its own circuit if blood is already…

Anatomy and
Physiology: Where It All Happens

Where It All HappensAnatomy and PhysiologyThe Excretory SystemWaterworksWhere It All HappensReabsorptionWhen You Gotta Go … Are you a coffee addict? I have to get up very early because the first…

The Weight of Human Skin

The Question: Can you please tell me how much the human skin of a person's body alone weighs? The Answer: The human skin is the body's…

Anatomy and
Physiology: Fibers Every Which Way

Fibers Every Which WayAnatomy and PhysiologyThe MusclesActing in ConcertFibers Every Which Way Muscles are sometimes named by virtue of the direction of the muscle fibers. There are only three…