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Displaying 71 - 80

Sara Teasdale: "Oh Day of Fire and Sun"

"Oh Day of Fire and Sun"Oh day of fire and sun, Pure as a naked flame, Blue sea, blue sky and dun Sands where he spoke my name;Laughter and hearts so high That the spirit flew off free,…

Poems by Emily Dickinson (Third Series): Fire

by EmilyDickinsonFriendsA ManFire Fire Ashes denote that fire was; Respect the grayest pile For the departed creature's sake That hovered there awhile. Fire exists the first in light…

The Top Ten: Major Causes of House Fires

December 10 - 17 Major Causes of House Fires, 1994–1998 (annual averages) Rank Major cause Fires Percentage1. Cooking equipment 91,700 22.6% 2. Heating equipment 59,100 14.5 3.…

Brewer's: Soft Fire makes Sweet Malt

(A). Too fierce a fire would burn malt and destroy its sweetness, and too much hurry or precipitation spoils work, “Soft and fair goes fair;” “Love me little, love me long;” “Slow and…

Outer Barrier

(Encyclopedia) Outer Barrier, series of sandy barrier islands or offshore bars, extending c.75 mi (120 km) along the south shore of Long Island, SE N.Y., from Rockaway Beach at the west to the east…