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Brewer's: File

To cheat. The allusion is to filing money for the sake of the dust which can be used or sold. A file is a cheat. Hence “a jolly file,” etc. “Sorful becom that fals file.” Cursor Mundi MS…

Brewer's: Indian File

(In). One by one. The American Indians, when they go on an expedition, march one by one. The one behind carefully steps in the footprints of the one before, and the last man of the file…

Brewer's: Rank and File

Soldiers of any grade below that of lance-sergeant are so called, collectively, in military phraseology, and any two soldiers of such grade are spoken of as “a file;” thus, 100 rank and…

Brewer's: Viper and File

The biter bit. AEsop says a viper found a file, and tried to bite it, under the supposition that it was good food; but the file said that its province was to bite others, and not to be…

Aesop's Fables: The Viper and the File

by Aesop The Lioness and the VixenThe Cat and the CockThe Viper and the File A Viper entered a carpenter's shop, and went from one to another of the tools, begging for something to eat.…

The X-Files: Fight the Future

Director: Rob Bowman Writer: Chris Carter Director of Photography: Ward Russell Editor: Stephen Mark Music: Mark Snow Production Designer: Christopher Nowak Producers…

Who Must File a Return

The following table shows the IRS requirements for filing tax returns in 2014, according to age, marital status, and gross income. If your filing status is: Age at end of…

sound recording

(Encyclopedia) sound recording, process of converting the acoustic energy of sound into some form in which it can be permanently stored and reproduced at any time. In 1855 the inventor Leon Scott…

X-File: A Guide to the Summer X Games

by John Gettings The street luge is speeding towards a TV near you, as one of nine "alternative" sports to be featured at the fifth Summer X Games. Related Links Summer X Games Medal Winners (…