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(Encyclopedia) EurydiceEurydicey&oomacr;rĭdˈĭsē [key]: see Orpheus.

Brewer's: Eurydice

(4 syl.). Wife of Orpheus, killed by a serpent on her wedding night. Orpheus went down to the infernal regions to seek her, and was promised she should return on condition that he looked…


(Encyclopedia) AristaeusAristaeusărĭstēˈəs [key], in Greek mythology, son of Apollo and Cyrene, especially honored as the inventor of beekeeping. Aristaeus tried to violate Eurydice, wife of Orpheus…


(Encyclopedia) OrpheusOrpheusôrˈfēəs, ôrˈfy&oomacr;s [key], in Greek mythology, celebrated Thracian musician. He was the son of Calliope by Apollo or, according to another legend, by Oeagrus, a…

Abbate, Niccolò dell'

(Encyclopedia) Abbate or Abati, Niccolò dell'Abbate or Abati, Niccolò dell'nēk-kōlōˈ dĕl-läbbäˈtā, –bäˈtē [key], 1512?–1571, Italian mannerist painter. From c.1552 he assisted Primaticcio in the…

Henryson, Robert

(Encyclopedia) Henryson, Robert, c.1425–c.1506, Scottish poet. It is thought that he was a schoolmaster at Dunfermline Abbey. His principal poem is The Testament of Cresseid, which was written as a…

Vischer, Peter

(Encyclopedia) Vischer, PeterVischer, Peterpāˈtər [key]Vischer, Peter fĭshˈər [key], the elder, c.1455–1529, German sculptor, foremost of the bronze founders in Germany. Beginning as the assistant of…

Classical Mythology: Undying Love: Orpheus

Undying Love: OrpheusClassical MythologyWhat the Hell? Adventures in the UnderworldHades Takes a Wife: PersephoneThe Cunning Rogue: SisyphusThe Not-So-Heavenly Host: TantalusUndying Love: Orpheus…

Brewer's: Orpheus

(2 syl.). A Thracian poet who could move even inanimate things by his music. When his wife Eurydie died he went into the infernal regions, and so charmed King Pluto that Eurydice was…

Brewer's: Eustathians

A denomination so called from Eustathius, a monk of the fourth century, excommunicated by the council of Gangra. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer,…