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Largest Dinosaur:

Argentinosaurus hinculensis Argentinosaurus (c) Joe Tucciarone Meaning of Name:“Argentinian lizard”Period:Cretaceous Period (138 million to 65 million years ago)Size:35 - 45 meters…

Smallest Dinosaur:

Compsognathus longipesMicroceratops , a runner-up in the smallest dinosaur category, was only the size of a rabbit. (c) Joe Tucciarone Meaning of Name: “delicate jaw” Period:Jurassic Period…

Widest Dinosaur:

Ankylosaurus magniventrisAnkylosaurus(c) Joe Tucciarone Meaning of Name:“bent/crooked lizard”Period:Cretaceous Period (138 million to 65 million years ago)Size: 4 - 9 meters longLocation:…

Earliest Dinosaur:

Eoraptor lunensisMeaning of Name: “dawn plunderer”Period:Triassic Period (240 to 205 million years ago)Size:1 meter longLocation:Argentina The earliest known dinosaur was Eoraptor lunensis,…


(Encyclopedia) DeinonychusDeinonychusdīˌnənīˈkəs [key] [Gr.,=terrible claw], swift bipedal carnivorous dinosaur of the early Cretaceous period, approximately 119–93 million years ago. Fossil…


(Encyclopedia) PachycephalosaurusPachycephalosauruspăkˌĭsĕfˌəlōsôrˈəs [key] [Gr., = thick-headed lizard], bipedal herbivorous dinosaur of the late Cretaceous period, approximately 68–65 million years…


(Encyclopedia) ApatosaurusApatosaurusăpˌətəsôrˈəs, āˌpătˌə– [key], [Gr.,=deceptive lizard], quadruped saurischian dinosaur, estimated to be from 70 to 90 ft (21 to 27 m) in length and to weigh up to…

Dinosaur Hall of Fame

Information Please's informal guide to the biggest, smallest, fastest, smartest, dumbest, widest, oldest, and most popular dinosaurs. Largest Dinosaur:Largest Carnivore: Smallest Dinosaur:Widest…

Rocky Hill

(Encyclopedia) Rocky Hill, town (1990 pop. 16,554), Hartford co., central Conn., a suburb of Hartford, on the Connecticut River; settled c.1650, inc. 1843. Chemical coatings and synthetic textiles…


(Encyclopedia) Haddonfield, borough (2020 pop. 12,550), Camden co., SE N.J., a residential suburb of Camden and Philadelphia; settled c.1713, inc. 1875…