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(Encyclopedia) cryptographycryptographykrĭptŏgˈrəfē [key] [Gr.,=hidden writing], science of secret writing. There are many devices by which a message can be concealed from the casual reader, e.g.,…


(Encyclopedia) cipher: see cryptography.

Wallis, John

(Encyclopedia) Wallis, JohnWallis, Johnwŏlˈĭs [key], 1616–1703, English mathematician. He was Savilian professor of geometry at Oxford from 1649. He systematized the use of formulas, introduced the…

Glauber, Roy Jay

(Encyclopedia) Glauber, Roy Jay, 1925–2018, American physicist, b. New York City, Ph.D. Harvard, 1949. From 1952 he was on the faculty at Harvard, where he became a professor in 1956. Glauber was the…

Bit Confused?

Just what is Bitcoin and why is it getting so much attention?   Related Links Economy 101 Business Basics Quiz Personal Finance Nobel Prize for Economics   Bitcoin has become a hot, controversial…

World's Largest Known Prime Number

Euclid proved in the 3rd century BC that there are an infinite number of prime numbers. A prime number can be divided only by itself and the number 1. Primes serve as the building blocks…

Brewer's: Lines

The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places. The part allotted to me and measured off by a measuring line. (Palms xvi. 6.) Hard lines. Harsh restrictions. Here lines means an allotment…

code, in communications

(Encyclopedia) code, in communications, set of symbols and rules for their manipulation by which the symbols can be made to carry information. By this extended definition all written and spoken…

data encryption

(Encyclopedia) data encryption, the process of scrambling stored or transmitted information so that it is unintelligible until it is unscrambled by the intended recipient. Historically, data…


(Encyclopedia) espionageespionageĕsˈpēənäzhˌ, the act of obtaining information clandestinely. The term applies particularly to the act of collecting military, industrial, and political data about one…