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Biohazard Symbol Origins

The Question: What are the origins and significance of the components of the biohazard symbol? The Answer: The symbol was designed by Dow Chemical. Scientists at…

The Pawn Shop Symbol

The Question: What do the three balls on a pawn shop signify? The Answer: Pawnbrokers often joke that the three balls represent the motto "Two…

The Symbols on the U.S. Dime

The Question: What appears on the "tails" side of the dime, and what do these symbols mean? The Answer: According to the U.S. Mint,…

The Devil's Dictionary: Symbol

by Ambrose Bierce SYLPHSYMBOLICSYMBOL -n. Something that is supposed to typify or stand for something else. Many symbols are mere "survivals" - things which having no longer any utility…

The Devil's Dictionary: Symbolic

by Ambrose Bierce SYMBOLSYMBOLIC -adj. Pertaining to symbols and the use and interpretation of symbols. They say 'tis conscience feels compunction; I hold that that's the stomach's…

Christina Rossetti: Symbols

SymbolsI watched a rosebud very long Brought on by dew and sun and shower, Waiting to see the perfect flower: Then, when I thought it should be strong, It opened at the matin hour And…

Key to Pronunciation Symbols

Key to Pronunciation Symbols u sofa (sO ´fu ), ite m (I ´tu m), easi ly (E ´zu lE ), canno n (kan´u n), circu s (sÛr´ku s) a a ct (akt), ba t (bat) A a pe (A p), fai l (fA l), day (dA…

Symbols of the United States

Symbols that have become American icons by Beth Rowen Great Seal of the U.S. Related Links State Symbols United States Bald Eagle Removed from Endangered Species List…

Brewer's: Punic Faith

Treachery, violation of faith. “Punic faith” is about equal to “Spanish honesty.” The Puni (a corruption of Poeni) were accused by the Romans of breaking faith with them, a most…