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Symbolism of Fire

by Mark Hughes Related Links History: Flame and Torch Summer Olympics 2008 Biography: Prometheus…

Brewer's: Symbol

originally meant the corresponding part of a tally, ticket, or coin cut in twain. The person who presented the piece which fitted showed a “symbol” of his right to what he claimed. (Greek…

State Symbols

StateSongBirdTreeFlowerAlabama“Alabama” (1931)yellowhammer (1927)Southern longleaf pine (1949, 1997)camellia (1959)Salt water fish: fighting tarpon (1955); Fresh water fish: largemouth bass (…


(Encyclopedia) numeral, symbol denoting anumber. The symbol is a member of a family of marks, such as letters, figures, or words, which alone or in a group represent the members of a numeration…

T'ang, Chinese dynasty

(Encyclopedia) T'angT'angtäng [key], dynasty of China that ruled from 618 to 907. It was founded by Li Yuan and his son Li Shih-min, with the aid of Turkish allies. The early strength of the T'ang…

Boxer Uprising

(Encyclopedia) Boxer Uprising, 1898–1900, antiforeign movement in China, culminating in a desperate uprising against Westerners and Western influence. By the end of the 19th cent. the Western powers…

Chinese & Korean Words

Asian loan words in English by Ann-Marie Imbornoni Asian Loan Words IntroductionWords derived from: Chinese & Korean JapaneseMalay & TagalogPolynesianAmoy (eastern China) pekoe…

Poems from the Chinese

Ezra PoundAbstractThese poems, for the most part from the chinese of Rihaku (as contained in the notes of the late Ernest Fenollosa), appeard in Cathay, Lustra, and in The New Age.…

The Chinese Zodiac Calendar

The Years of the Zodiac The Chinese lunisolar calendar is divided into 12 months of 29 or 30 days. The calendar is adjusted to the length of the solar year by the addition of extra months at regular…