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Ryan, Kay

(Encyclopedia) Ryan, Kay, 1945–, American poet, b. San Jose, Calif., grad. Univ. of California at Los Angeles (B.A., 1967; M.A., 1968). She taught remedial English in a Marin co. community college…

Easy, Eye-Poppin Fourth of July Decorations

By Courtney Key Ever since I was a little girl, my family has driven from upstate New York all the way to Cape Cod to enjoy the Fourth of July. To this day, everyone stays at my Nana's home that's…

Asian Food Primer: Chinese Food

by David Johnson Asian Foods Guide Common ingredients and popular dishes of various cultures. IntroductionEast Asia China JapanKoreaMongoliaTibetPacific Region FijiHawaiiPapua New…

Chinese New Year Traditions Quiz

From the Year of the Rabbit to the Year of the Rat, the Chinese New Year has many traditions to celebrate the transition of one annum to another. What do you know about Chinese New Year traditions…

Can You Name These Chinese Inventions?

China, in both ancient and modern times, has been the source of various inventions that we still use today! How many of these inventions can you guess the name of based on the description?

MacIver, Robert Morrison

(Encyclopedia) MacIver, Robert MorrisonMacIver, Robert Morrisonməkēˈvər, –kīˈvər [key], 1882–1970, Scottish-American sociologist, b. Scotland, grad. Univ. of Edinburgh and Oxford. He began teaching…

Chartier, Émile Auguste

(Encyclopedia) Chartier, Émile AugusteChartier, Émile Augusteāmēl ōgüstˈ [key]Chartier, Émile Auguste shärtyāˈ [key], 1868–1951, French essayist and philosopher who wrote under the pseudonym Alain.…

Sully-Prudhomme, René François Armand

(Encyclopedia) Sully-Prudhomme, René François ArmandSully-Prudhomme, René François Armandrənāˈ fräNswäˈ ärmäNˈ sülēˈ-prüdômˈ [key], 1839–1907, French poet associated with the Parnassians. His early…