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Blood and Wine

Director: Bob RafelsonWriters: Nick Villiers and Alison CrossDirector of Photography:Newton Thomas SigelEditor:Steven CohenMusic:Michal LorencProduction Designer:Richard SylbertProducer:…

Blood Types

Not all blood is the same Human blood is grouped into four types: A, B, AB, and O. Each letter refers to a kind of antigen, or protein, on the surface of red blood cells. For example, the surface…

Brewer's: Blood

Family descent. “And hath made of one blood all nations of men.”- Acts xvii. 26. Blood thicker than water. Relationship has a claim which is generally acknowledged. It is better to seek…


(Encyclopedia) blood, fluid pumped by the heart that circulates throughout the body via the arteries, veins, and capillaries (see circulatory system; heart). An adult male of average size normally…

Brewer's: Avenger of Blood

(The) The man who, in the Jewish polity, had the right of taking vengeance on him who had slain one of his kinsmen. The Avenger in Hebrew is called goël. Cities of refuge were appointed…

Blood Pressure Explained

Blood pressure is the force of blood against the walls of arteries. Blood pressure is recorded as two numbers—the systolic pressure (as the heart beats) over the diastolic pressure (as the…

Brewer's: Bad Blood

Vindictiveness, ill-feeling. “If there is any bad blood in the fellow he will be sure to show it.” —Brother Jonathan. To make bad blood, to stir up bad blood. To create or renew ill-…

Brewer's: Corruption of Blood

Loss of title and entailed estates in consequence of treason, by which a man's blood is attainted and his issue suffers. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer,…

Brewer's: Cold Blood

Done in cold blood. (French, sang froid.) Not in the heat of temper; deliberately, and with premeditation. The allusion is to the ancient notion that the blood grew hot and cold, and this…