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Brewer's: Domino

(A). A hood worn by canons; a mask. “Ce nom, qu'on donnait autrefois, par allusion a quelque passage de la liturgie, au camail dont les prêtres se couvrent la tête et les épaules pendant l…

Brewer's: Billiards

A corrupt form of the French billard. “Autrefois, le bâton avec lequel on poussait les billes”; then “la table verte sur laquelle on joue”; and, lastly, the “game itself.” Similar plural…

Brewer's: Nous Avons Change Tout Cela

A facetious reproof to a dogmatic prig who wants to lay down the law upon everything, and talks contemptuously of old customs, old authors, old artists, and old everything. The phrase is…

Brewer's: Domisellus

The son of a king, prince, knight, or lord before he has entered on the order of knighthood. Also an attendant on some abbot or nobleman. The person domiciled in your house. Hence the king…