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airline industry

(Encyclopedia) airline industry, the business of transporting paying passengers and freight by air along regularly scheduled routes, typically by airplanes but also by helicopter. Ferdinand Graf von…

Airline Pilot--Commercial

Tim Tell us about your work -- what do you do? I'm a pilot, a DC-9 First Officer for a commercial airline . What skills are needed…

Brewer's: Air-line

signifies (in the United States) the most direct and shortest possible route between two given places, as the Eastern and Western Air-line Railway. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable…

Malaysia Airlines Flight 370

Confirmation that the plane went down leaves many questions unanswered. The missing Malaysia 9M-MRO aircraft Photo Credit: Laurent ERRERA Related Links…

EU Blacklist of Unsafe Airlines

“Flying Coffins” are banned from landing in Europe In 2006, the European Union banned 92 airlines, the vast majority of them from Africa. Declared unsafe according to…

Jacobsen, Arne

(Encyclopedia) Jacobsen, ArneJacobsen, Arneärˈnə yäˈkŏpsən [key], 1902–71, Danish architect and designer. Attentive to detail, Jacobsen suited his buildings to the surrounding landscape. He chiefly…

Crossfield, Scott

(Encyclopedia) Crossfield, Scott (Albert Scott Crossfield), 1921–2006, American aviator, b. Berkeley, Calif. A fighter pilot and flight instructor in the navy (1942–46) during World War II, he…

Rickenbacker, Edward Vernon

(Encyclopedia) Rickenbacker, Edward Vernon, 1890–1973, American war hero and airline executive, b. Columbus, Ohio. He became a car racing driver at 16 and set numerous speed records. In World War I…