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(Encyclopedia) waterspout, tornado occurring at sea or over inland waters. The characteristic funnel-shaped cloud is formed at the base of a cumulus-type cloud and extends downward to the water…


(Encyclopedia) CE5 Gargoyle gargoylegargoylegärˈgoil [key], waterspout used in medieval Europe to draw rainwater from church and cathedral roofs. Gargoyles were fashioned imaginatively in the…

Ask the Editors: Tornadoes

The Question: Do tornadoes only happen in North America? The Answer: Tornadoes can form anywhere in the world, but they occur most frequently…

Brewer's: Gargouille

or Gargoil (g hard). A water-spout in church architecture. Sometimes also spelt Gurgoyle. They are usually carved into some fantastic shape, such as a dragon's head, through which the…

Brewer's: Agate

Ag′ate(2 syl.). So called, says Pliny (xxxvii. 10), from Achates or Gagates, a river in Sicily, near which it is found in abundance. These, these are they, if we consider well, That…

Brewer's: Dust

Money; so called because it is made of gold-dust. It is said that Dean Swift took for the text of a charity sermon, “He who giveth to the poor, lendeth to the Lord.” Having thrice repeated…

Brewer's: Dragon

The Greek word drakon comes from a verb meaning “to see,” to “look at,” and more remotely “to watch” and “to flash.” The animal called a dragon is a winged crocodile with a serpent's tail…

Percy Bysshe Shelley: A Vision of the Sea

by Percy Bysshe Shelley The Sensitive PlantThe CloudA Vision of the Sea Composed at Pisa early in 1820, and published with "Prometheus Unbound" in the same year. A transcript in Mrs.…