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weights and measures

(Encyclopedia) CE5 weights and measures, units and standards for expressing the amount of some quantity, such as length, capacity, or weight; the science of measurement standards and methods is…

Brewer's: Measure Other People's Corn

To measure other people's corn by one's own bushel. To judge of others by oneself. In French, “Mesurer les autres à son aune;” in Latin, “Alios suo modulo metiri.” Source: Dictionary of…

Wars: Other Related Sites

Homework Center – Frequently Asked Questions Wars Other Related Sites The War Times Journal HistoryNet The History Place BBC Online: Wars and Conflict Wars FAQ Homework…

Measure for Measure

ContentsDramatis PersonaeAct IScene IScene IIScene IIIScene IVAct IIScene IScene IIScene IIIScene IVAct IIIScene IScene IIAct IVScene IScene IIScene IIIScene IVScene VScene VIAct VScene I

Measure for Measure Summary

Measure for Measure In the city of Vienna there once reigned a duke of such a mild and gentle temper that he suffered his subjects to neglect the laws with impunity; and there was in…

Antirent War

(Encyclopedia) Antirent War, in U.S. history, tenant uprising in New York state. When Stephen Van Rensselaer, owner of Rensselaerswyck, died in 1839, his heirs attempted to collect unpaid rents.…


(Encyclopedia) measures: see weights and measures.

scale, in weights and measures

(Encyclopedia) scale, in weights and measures, instruments for determining weight, generally for other than laboratory use. For the principles of operation of all weighing devices, see balance.…

Brewer's: Measure for Measure

(Shakespeare). The story is taken from a tale in G. Whetstone'sHeptameron, entitled Promos and Cassandra (1578). Promos is called by Shakespeare, “Lord Angelo;” and Cassandra is “Isabella…


(Encyclopedia) ultimatumultimatumŭlˌtĭmāˈtəm [key], in international law, final, definitive terms submitted by one disputant nation to the other for immediate acceptance or rejection. Since refusal…