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(Encyclopedia) LogosLogoslōˈgŏs [key] [Gr.,=word], in Greek and Hebrew metaphysics, the unifying principle of the world. The central idea of the Logos is that it links God and man, hence any system…


(Encyclopedia) ShekinahShekinahshēkīˈnə [key] [Heb.,=dwelling, presence], in Judaism, term used in the Targum (Aramaic translation of the Hebrew Bible) and elsewhere to indicate the manifestation of…


(Encyclopedia) atonement, the reconciliation, or “at-one-ment,” of sinful humanity with God. In Judaism both the Bible and rabbinical thought reflect the belief that God's chosen people must be pure…


(Encyclopedia) predestination, in theology, doctrine that asserts that God predestines from eternity the salvation of certain souls. So-called double predestination, as in Calvinism, is the added…

Barebone, Praise-God

(Encyclopedia) Barebone or Barbon, Praise-GodBarebone or Barbon, Praise-Godboth: bârˈbōn [key], 1596?–1679, English lay preacher and leather merchant. Soon after 1630 he became leader of half of a…

grace, in Christian theology

(Encyclopedia) grace, in Christian theology, the free favor of God toward humans, which is necessary for their salvation. A distinction is made between natural grace (e.g., the gift of life) and…


(Encyclopedia) MardukMardukmärˈd&oobreve;k [key], ancient god of Babylonia and chief god of the city of Babylon. His cult rose to prominence in the reign of Hammurabi, and Marduk became the…


(Encyclopedia) EnlilEnlilĕnlĭlˈ [key], ancient earth god of Sumerian origin, worshiped in Babylonian religion. With the sky god Anu and the water god Ea, he formed the great divine triad. Enlil, also…


(Encyclopedia) pantheismpantheismpănˈthēĭzəm [key] [Gr. pan=all, theos=God], name used to denote any system of belief or speculation that includes the teaching “God is all, and all is God.” Pantheism…

emanation, in philosophy

(Encyclopedia) emanationemanationĕmənāˈshən [key] [Lat.,=flowing from], cosmological concept that explains the creation of the world by a series of radiations, or emanations, originating in the…