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Callias, fl. 449 b.c., Athenian statesman

(Encyclopedia) CalliasCalliaskălˈēəs [key], fl. 449 b.c., Athenian statesman; he was related to Cimon and also to Aristides. He distinguished himself at the battle of Marathon (490 b.c.) and was a…

Antenor, Greek sculptor

(Encyclopedia) AntenorAntenorăntēˈnôr [key], fl. last half of 6th cent. b.c., Greek sculptor who executed the bronze statues of the tyrannicides Harmodius and Aristogiton. In 480 b.c., Xerxes carried…


(Encyclopedia) LysanderLysanderlīsănˈdər [key], d. 395 b.c., Spartan naval commander and statesman. Toward the end of the Peloponnesian War he was made admiral and built up the Spartan fleet so that…


(Encyclopedia) CallistratusCallistratuskəlĭsˈtrətəs [key], d. c.360 b.c., Athenian statesman and orator. Believing Thebes to be more dangerous to Athens than Sparta, he favored a peace with Sparta.…

Peter IV, king of Aragón

(Encyclopedia) Peter IV (Peter the Ceremonious), 1319?–1387, king of Aragón and count of Barcelona (1336–87); son and successor of Alfonso IV. He supported Alfonso XI of Castile at the battle of…


(Encyclopedia) propylaeumpropylaeumprŏpĭlēˈəm [key], in Greek architecture, a monumental entrance to a sacred enclosure, group of buildings, or citadel. A roofed passage terminated by a row of…


(Encyclopedia) AlcamenesAlcamenesălˌkəmēˈnēz [key], fl. 5th cent. b.c., Athenian sculptor, said to have been a pupil and rival of Phidias. He worked in gold, ivory, and bronze. His Aphrodite of the…

Stuart, James

(Encyclopedia) Stuart, James, 1713–88, English architect, archaeologist, and painter. After working his way to Rome in 1742, Stuart accompanied Nicholas Revett on an archaeological expedition to…


(Encyclopedia) AcarnaniaAcarnaniaăkˌərnāˈnēə [key], region of ancient Greece, between the Achelous River and the Ionian Sea. The chief city was Stratos. The Acarnanians sided with Athens during the…

Demetrius I, king of Macedon

(Encyclopedia) Demetrius I (Demetrius Poliorcetes)Demetrius Idĭmēˈtrēəs pŏlˌēôrsēˈtēz [key], c.337–283 b.c., king of Macedon. The son of Antigonus I, he proved himself a very able commander in his…