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Brewer's: Thirteens

Throwing the thirteens about. A thirteen is an Irish shilling, which, prior to 1825, was worth 13 pence, and many years after that date, although reduced to the English standard, went by…

Brewer's: Thirteen Unlucky

The Turks so dislike the number that the word is almost expunged from their vocabulary. The Italians never use it in making up the numbers of their lotteries. In Paris no house bears the…

Thirteen Colonies, the

(Encyclopedia) Thirteen Colonies, the, term used for the colonies of British North America that joined together in the American Revolution against the mother country, adopted the Declaration of…

United States, Great Seal of the

(Encyclopedia) United States, Great Seal of the, official impression that validates a United States government document. It was adopted by the Continental Congress in 1782 and, with only minor…

Quebec Act, 1774

(Encyclopedia) Quebec Act, 1774, passed by the British Parliament to institute a permanent administration in Canada replacing the temporary government created at the time of the Proclamation of 1763…

Webster, Pelatiah

(Encyclopedia) Webster, Pelatiah, 1726–95, American writer, b. Lebanon, Conn., grad. Yale, 1746. A Philadelphia businessman, he is remembered for his advocacy in his Dissertation of the Political…

Yen Li-pen

(Encyclopedia) Yen Li-penYen Li-penyŭn lē-bŭn [key], d. 673, Chinese painter, foremost master of the T'ang dynasty. He became the most celebrated court painter of the 7th cent. and held several high…

Caso, Alfonso

(Encyclopedia) Caso, AlfonsoCaso, Alfonsoälfōnˈsō käˈsō [key], 1896–1970, Mexican archaeologist. An authority on the ancient high civilizations of Mexico, he directed explorations at Mitla and Monte…

Bay Psalm Book

(Encyclopedia) Bay Psalm Book, common hymnal of the Massachusetts Bay colony. Written by Richard Mather, John Eliot, and Thomas Weld, it was published in 1640 at Cambridge as The Whole Book of Psalms…

Naismith, James

(Encyclopedia) Naismith, JamesNaismith, Jamesnāˈsmĭth [key], 1861–1939, American athletic director, inventor (1891) of basketball, b. Almonte, Ontario. While an instructor of physical education at…