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(Encyclopedia) duck, common name for wild and domestic waterfowl of the family Anatidae, which also includes geese and swans. It is hunted and bred for its meat, eggs, and feathers. Strictly speaking…


(Encyclopedia) goose, common name for large wild and domesticated swimming birds related to the duck and the swan. Strictly speaking, the term goose is applied to the female and gander to the male.…


(Encyclopedia) waterfowl, common term for members of the order Anseriformes, wild, aquatic, typically freshwater birds including ducks, geese, and screamers. In Great Britain the term is also used to…


(Encyclopedia) teal: see duck.


(Encyclopedia) mallard: see duck.

Brewer's: Duck

A lame duck. A stock-jobber who will not, or cannot, pay his losses. He has to “waddle out of the alley like a lame duck.” Like a dying duck in a thunderstorm. Quite chop-fallen. To get…

Brewer's: Ducking

(A). A drenching. (German, ducken, to dive under water.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894DuckweedDuckie A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R…