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Grimm's law

(Encyclopedia) Grimm's law, principle of relationships in Indo-European languages, first formulated by Jakob Grimm in 1822 and a continuing subject of interest and investigation to 20th-century…

Brewer's: Stops

Organs have no fixed number of stops; some have sixty or more, and others much fewer. A stop is a collection of pipes similar in tone and quality, running through the whole or part of an…


(Encyclopedia) biathlonbiathlonbīăthˈlŏn [key], sport in which cross-country skiers race across hilly terrain, occasionally stopping to shoot, prone or standing as required, with rifles at sets of…

How to Stop Thieves From Using Your Checks

Source: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Don't have your Social Security or driver's license number imprinted on your checks. These numbers, combined with other information on your…


(Encyclopedia) greenmail, payment, by a corporation that is a takeover target, of a premium price for the shares of its stock that have been accumulated by the potential buyer. In exchange, the…

The Devil's Dictionary: Machination

by Ambrose Bierce MACEMACROBIANMACHINATION -n. The method employed by one's opponents in baffling one's open and honorable efforts to do the right thing. So plain the advantages of…

Weather: Bring on the Machines

Bring on the MachinesWeatherLet's See How It's DoneNow for the Real WorkGoing Into the Upper AirBring on the MachinesWhat About the Five-Day Forecast? Computers make forecasting easier, although not…

Rage Against the Machine

The Battle of Los AngelesEpic This is hard rock the way it should be played at the end of the century. Full of spit and venom, the third album of fire-fueled aggression from Rage Against the…

Next Stop, Wonderland

Director: Brad Anderson Writers: Brad Anderson and Lyn Vaus Miramax; R; 111 minutes Release: 8/98 Cast: Hope Davis, Alan Gelfant, Holland Taylor, Robert Klein, Cara Buono,…


(Encyclopedia) machine, arrangement of moving and stationary mechanical parts used to perform some useful work or to provide transportation. From a historical perspective, many of the first machines…