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Brewer's: Ambassador

a practical joke played on greenhorns aboard ship. A tub full of water is placed between two stools, and the whole being covered with a green cloth, a sailor sits on each stool, to keep…

Brewer's: Welsh Ambassador

( The). The cuckoo. Logan, in his poem To the Cuckoo calls it the “messenger of Spring”; but the Welsh ambassador means that the bird announces…


(Encyclopedia) legatelegatelĕgˈət [key] [Lat. legare=to send], one sent as a representative of a state or of some high authority. In Roman history a legate was sent by the senate to the provinces as…


(Encyclopedia) KarvináKarvinákärˈvĭnä [key], Ger. Karwin, city (1991 pop. 68,405), NE Czech Republic, in Moravia, near the Polish border. It is an industrial center of the Ostrava-Karviná coal-mining…

Callias, d. c.370 b.c., Athenian leader

(Encyclopedia) Callias, d. c.370 b.c., Athenian leader, one of the generals of the Peloponnesian War. In his old age Callias was one of the ambassadors sent to Sparta with Callistratus to negotiate a…


(Encyclopedia) Dentatus (Manius Curius Dentatus)Dentatusdĕntāˈtəs; māˈnēəs ky&oobreve;rˈēəs [key], d. 270 b.c., Roman general. As consul (290) he defeated the Samnites, Sabines, and Lucani; in…

diplomatic service

(Encyclopedia) diplomatic service, organized body of agents maintained by governments to communicate with one another. In the 20th and 21st cent. there have been numerous meetings of heads of state…

Cambon, Jules Martin

(Encyclopedia) Cambon, Jules MartinCambon, Jules Martinzhül märtăNˈ käNbôNˈ [key], 1845–1935, French diplomat; brother of Pierre Paul Cambon. He served (1891–96) as governor-general of Algeria, where…