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Poems and Songs of Robert Burns: 1784

by Robert Burns 178317851784ContentsRemorse: A FragmentEpitaph On Wm. Hood, Senr., In TarboltonEpitaph On James Grieve, Laird Of Boghead, TarboltonEpitaph On My Own Friend And My Father's Friend, Wm…

Brewer's: Luath

(2 syl.). Cuthullin's dog in Ossian's Fingal; also the name of the poor man's dog representing the peasantry in The Twa Dogs, by Robert Burns. The gentleman's dog is called Caesar. Also…

Brewer's: Exies

or Axes. Hysterics; ague fits; any paroxysm. “Jenny Ritherout has taen the exies, and done naething but laugh and greet ... for twa days successively.” —Sir W. Scott: The Antiquary, chap…

Brewer's: Eleven

(Anglo-Saxon, ændlefene, aend = ain, lefene = lef, left). One left or one more after counting ten (the fingers of the two hands). Twelve is Twa lef (two left); all the other teens up to 20…

Brewer's: Tweeds

Checked cloths for trousers, etc. The origin of this name is supposed to have been a blunder for “tweels,” somewhat blotted and badly written in 1829. The Scotch manufacturer sent a…